Category: Cherries

05 Jun
Fiona Hall

5 Reasons to Love Cherries

They won the hearts of dignitaries, royalty and noblemen. From China to the United States, cherries have been celebrated for centuries since arriving with the settlers during the 1600s. Cherries symbolize productivity, happiness and joy in some cultures. The Chinese believed that cherries are a sign of immortality. The Greeks often wrote about using cherries as a diuretic. However, cherries have more than a rich history and are more than a symbol! The tiniest of the fruits is nature’s own little anti-inflammatory pill and is fast becoming a shining star on the health circuit. They can decrease strokes, heart attacks, assist with insomnia and may fight cancer. Cherries also help with joint pain and with headaches. Pretty neat for such a tiny fruit that has only 100 calories per cup. Nature really hooked us up with this powerful fruit. Here are 5 reasons to fall in love with cherries.

04 Sep

Media source: APAL – Nets slim defence against flying foxes

NSW apple and cherry growers Bernard (pictured) and Fiona Hall began installing netting 17 years ago to protect against hail, birds and flying foxes.

By Jeanette Severs

Flying foxes are considered keystone species in the Australian landscape. However, they have significant impact on orchards – even with netting. Predation can result in 5-100 per cent production losses.

The urbanisation of coastal towns, supported by clearing of native vegetation, has led to flying foxes looking to orchards for food sources.

In a comprehensive assessment for the 2017 Raymond Terrace Flying-Fox Camp Management Plan, grey-headed and black flying foxes were found throughout eastern Australia, generally within 200km of the coast, and in Tasmania and South Australia. The report cited research showing … read more

30 May
Kira Brown

Media source ABC News: Growing a business in China: How Australian businesses cracked the Chinese market

ABC News Growing a business in China

“We grow cherries and pack and distribute through our company BiteRiot for 20 growers,” Ms Hall said.

“But we rely upon our partner who has set up distribution over in China.”


13 May

Media source: Fresh Plaza – ‘AU: NSW exporters to benefit from regional freight airports plan’

A government plan to provide regional freight airports in NSW would halve the delivery time for produce grown in Orange, according to cherry grower Fiona Hall.

Mrs Hall has welcomed plans announced by deputy premier John Barilaro for an investigation into creating freight terminals.

She said if Orange Regional Airport was chosen it could reduce the time it took to “pick, pack and send” cherries and other fruit from Orange to key south-east Asian markets from 48-72 hours down to 24 hours.

“It is all about the timing of getting to the market before our competitors,” she said.

Currently, trucks take the fruit from the packing and processing shed on her property, Caernarvon, to Sydney airport. She said about 1300 tonnes of cherries were transported across the annual six-week cherry season bound for Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Malaysia and China. …read more

08 Nov
Kira Brown

Media source: Asia Fruit – Australian cherry crop sizes up well

Early forecasts point to solid national crop, with mainland growers sending directly to China via airfreight

As Australia’s early-season cherry harvest gets underway, hopes are high for a record crop.

Cherry Growers Australia president Tom Eastlake said all major production regions were cropping well, with growers on track to surpass the 16,000 tonne mark for the first time.

“The forecast at the moment depends on how bullish you want to be … we would have to be starting this year at a baseline of 20 per cent higher than 15,000 tonnes, so it will be about 18,000 tonnes,” Eastlake told ABC News.

“Assuming we don’t have any adverse weather events come through, I would be reasonably confident we hit that mark.”

Cherry growers in New South Wales are optimistic about crop forecasts, despite the state being in the grips of drought.

Read the full article

By Matthew Jones,