02 Oct
Kira Brown

Media Fresh Plaza – Australia: BiteRiot! preparing to send cherries directly to the Chinese market

By: Nichola McGregor – FreshPlaza,

The company produces premium apples and cherries in the Mount Canobolas district, west of Sydney. Owner Fiona Hall says BiteRiot! is hoping to air freight at least 3 shipments a week, and it will be a major boost not having to go through Hong Kong. BiteRiot, along with partner, Vincent Chen of TopFruit, have established distribution facilities in Guangzhou and Shanghai to service the E-commerce channel.

Read the full article – FreshPlaza

19 Nov
Kira Brown

Media Source: Central Western Daily Cheaper cherries this Christmas as export demand increases

CWD Bite Riot Cheaper Cherries article 2017

By: David Fitzsimons

Orange orchardist and president of the NSW Cherry Growers Association, Fiona Hall, said the crop was looking good this year.

Mrs Hall said the best fruit would probably cost $20 a kilogram at the shops – down from the $30 a kilogram prices of last Christmas after an incredibly wet winter in Orange led to a limited supply.

She said growers received $20 a kilogram last year but this was expected to drop to $10-15 a kilogram this year.

read the full article – Central Western Daily

10 May

Media Source: Weekly Times: Cherry and apple farming: Fiona and Bernard Hall from Orange grow for the future

Media Weekly Times Biteriot 2017

By: NICOLA BELL, The Weekly Times, 

INVESTING in new technology and developing a branding and marketing strategy have allowed Fiona and Bernard Hall to grow their cherry and apple business.

This is despite significant industry contraction in their district and declining domestic apple consumption.

The couple are the owners of Caernarvon Cherry Co at Orange, in central west NSW, a cherry growing, packing and marketing operation, and the co-owners of Bonny Glen Fruits, along with Bernard’s brother, Tim Hall, growing and marketing apples.

“We can have cherries picked, packed and landed in South East Asia in 48 hours … Chile is our biggest competitor in cherries and they have to send theirs by sea freight,”

Fiona said.

Read the full article – Weekly Times

05 Jan
Kira Brown

Media Source CWD: Chinese orchard owner plans more investment in Orange cherries

Orange orchard owner Vincent Chen with NSW Cherry Growers president Fiona Hall at her Caernarvon packing shed
EXPORT ENERGY: Orange orchard owner Vincent Chen with NSW Cherry Growers president Fiona Hall at her Caernarvon packing shed. Photo: PHIL BLATCH

Vincent Chen, the 33-year-old son of a ceramics company family, is leading the Chinese charge into the Orange cherry industry.

Mr Chen owns the Homeward Bound orchard in Nashdale and another near Mudgee and has plans to expand his operations in Orange.

A permanent resident, he exports and buys cherries from Orange and Tasmania for both the Hong Kong and mainland China markets.

He said he had spent “roughly a few million, two, three, four million” in Orange so far and was excited about the local prospects.

“For me it’s very interesting. Actually I want to invest more in this area because, like Tasmania you have already got the reputation and at this time if you go to Tasmania there is no chance anymore,”

he said.

Read the full article on CWD

01 Dec
Kira Brown

Media source: news.com.au – Cherries in short supply before Christmas this year

By Olivia Lambert, news.com.au Dec 2016

OUR Aussie Christmas could be about to change as we know it. We might not get to eat one of our favourite foods this year.

We are in the midst of a cherry crisis, with the stoned fruit expected to cost an extra $5 a kilogram this season.

Coles has issued an apology, telling customers rain had caused cherries to swell and split, and would have a limited supply. Woolworths is currently selling cherries for almost $20 a kilo and charging $7 for punnets.

NSW Cherry Growers’ Association president Fiona Hall said the season was running about two weeks behind, meaning it will be a scramble to get bulk cherries on supermarket shelves before Christmas.

She told news.com.au crops were down about 50 or 60 per cent because of wet weather during the growing season. Demand is at an all time high during December, with the fruit a symbol for Christmas in Australia.

Read the full article on news.com.au